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Mystical Gaia

Organic Digestive Tea - Griffin Intuition Potion

Organic Digestive Tea - Griffin Intuition Potion

Regular price $11.11 AUD
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Peppermint ~ Lemon Balm ~ Ginger ~Fennel Seed ~ Chamomile ~ Calendula

Our digestive tea blend of Peppermint helps relieve bloating & indigestion. Lemon Balm reduces gas & promotes relaxation. Ginger Root eases nausea. Fennel reduces bloating, gas & cramping. Chamomile relieves constipation, diarrhea & abdominal pain. Calendula has anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial properties. The peppermint adds a cooling flavour, while the lemon balm gives a slightly citrusy twist. The ginger root adds a hint of spiciness. Fennel seed adds a licorice-like flavour. Chamomile adds a mild floral taste, and the calendula adds a hint of earthiness.

Ingredients: Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Ginger, Fennel Seed, Chamomile & Calendula.

Serving suggestion: : Brew 1 teaspoon per cup in a tea infuser, in freshly boiled water (100ºc), cover and steep for 15 minutes for maximum benefits. Drain and serve. Sweeten with organic honey.

Magical Tip: Stir clockwise to bring positivity and anticlockwise to repel negativity, then tap your cup 3 times to seal your intent!

Packaged in Australia with love.

Country of Origin: India & France

100% natural organic teas are used in our blends no fillers or toxic chemicals or flavours added.

Storage: Store below 18 0 C in a dry place, out of light.

WARNING: This product isn’t intended to treat, cure or prevent any illnesses. Always consult a healthcare professional before consuming any herbal products especially if you’re pregnant or taking medication.

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